[TGS 2017] Hokuto Ga Gotoku & Yakuza Kiwami 2; SEGA Has Quite The Showing As Well

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
[TGS 2017] Hokuto Ga Gotoku & Yakuza Kiwami 2; SEGA Has Quite The Showing As Well
  • Value - 5/10
  • Gameplay - 5/10
  • Visuals - 5/10
  • Replayability - 5/10
  • Storyline - 5/10

SEGA celebrates Tokyo Game Show 2017 by releasing 2 new trailers of their upcoming games by the Yakuza team, Hokuto Ga Gotoku and Yakuza Kiwami 2.


Hokuto Ga Gotoku & Yakuza Kiwami 2

SEGA has released 2 new trailers for their upcoming games today that are currently in development by the Yakuza team, Hokuto Ga Gotoku and Yakuza Kiwami 2.

The Hokuto Ga Gotoku trailer gives us the first look at cutscenes with dialogue, showcasing many of the characters that have been revealed so far. Interesting, there is also one who hadn’t been priorly showcased. That’s Jagi, the fourth brother of Hokuto.

Of course, his presence makes perfect sense, since Kenshiro, Raoh and Toki are all in the game, and even more so because Rei and Airi are included as well.

The second trailer, related to Yakuza Kiwami 2, gives another look at the full remake of the second chapter of the series, which sees Kazuma Kiryu travel to Osaka to confront the local clans and his ultimate rival, Ryuji Goda.

You can check both trailers out at the top of this post, and you can also see some fresh gameplay of Hokuto Ga Gotoku from earlier today, courtesy of the folks over at DualShockers.

Kenshiro’s new adventure will launch in Japan on February 22nd 2018. Yakuza Kiwami 2 will be coming earlier on December 7th (which happens to be my birthday, just a random #FunFact). Both games are PlayStation 4 exclusive titles so don’t expect them to appear on other platforms…at least not in the near future.


Pokdepinion: Are you a fan of Fist of the North Star? Well, if you are, you’re going to have something to look forward to for the PlayStation 4. If you haven’t watched Fist of the North Star before, do it now and you will definitely be excited for Hokuto Ga Gotoku. Yakuza Kiwami 2 should easily pique the interest of the masses.

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