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Google Chrome Adds New Tool That Ensures Your Passwords Are Secure With Ease

Google Chrome Adds New Tool That Ensures Your Passwords Are Secure With Ease

by Aiman MaulanaJanuary 27, 2021
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Google Chrome Adds New Tool That Ensures Your Passwords Are Secure With Ease 27

Cybersecurity is a concern that never stops. There is a risk for everyone and now, Google Chrome has a new feature that will ensure your passwords remain secure, but you need to play your part to keep it safe as well.

Google Chrome 88’s New Password Manager

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GIF credits: TNW

Google’s popular web browser already has a password manager to begin with but in Google Chrome 88, it can now do a lot more things. For starters, it can audit your passwords so you will not if it’s part of a data breach or if it’s a relatively weak password, which would then recommend you to change it as soon as possible.

It doesn’t exactly give you advice on what to do but it will tell you the websites that you should change your passwords. This makes the whole process a lot easier just in case you fear that you might be vulnerable in one platform or another. Having a strong password has become the norm for online security but keeping track of these can be tricky. These password managers make it a lot easier to manage as you just need a single master password for it.

If you want to make use of the new feature, simply get the Google Chrome 88 update, then click on your profile picture on the top right. There will be a key icon there which will take your to the password manager as soon as you click it. You will have the option to check passwords, which will lead to the browser cross-checking it against any breaches and see how strong it is.

This feature is only available on Windows PC, and iOS. The Android version of the browser will be receiving the feature sometime in the future.


Pokdepinion: So basically, they’re doing their own built-in version of LastPass and further improving it. Not gonna complain but since I’m already using LastPass, I’m just going to stick to it.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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