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How Many Transistors Have Ever Shipped?

How Many Transistors Have Ever Shipped?

by Muhammad FirdausMay 27, 2014
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The first transistor was created in 1947 by Bell team, ever since do you wonder how much transistor have shipped? An article at Forbes workout how many transistor have ever shipped since 1947’s.

How Many Transistors Have Ever Shipped? 24

Replica of the first transistor

Since the early 1990’s there are about 16 billion gigabytes of DRAM have shipped and 125 billion gigabytes of NAND flash have shipped since the early 2000’s based on industry statistic. More chip are made every year and over the entire history combined with steadily 100% growth. Prior to 2000 NAND flash had growth well in excess of 100 per cent, and in the early 1990s DRAM was in a similar position.


” There are about 16 billion gigabytes of DRAM have  and 125 billion gigabytes of NAND flash have shipped”


The result was that 2,913,276,327,576,980,000,000 transistors shipped since the technology was invented.  That’s 2.9 sextillion. That’s a lot of transistors and if we compare it with Milky Way, there are only 200 billion stars and there are about 100 trillion cells in the human body. Not to tell, the figure also bigger than Bill Gate’s bank balance.


“Roughly of total 2,913,276,327,576,980,000,000 transistors have shipped until today”



About The Author
Muhammad Firdaus
I love technology, so I love AMD.

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