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Netflix Will Stop Working on a Number of Samsung Devices

Netflix Will Stop Working on a Number of Samsung Devices

by Aiman MaulanaNovember 7, 2019
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Netflix Will Stop Working on a Number of Samsung Devices

Netflix Will Stop Working on a Number of Samsung Devices 23

It has been announced that a number of Samsung devices will no longer be compatible with Netflix. It is said to be due to technical limitations and will start taking effect on 1st December 2019.

The devices in question are older Samsung Smart TVs. You don’t necessarily have to cancel your Netflix subscription however. You can still access it using video game consoles like a PlayStation 4 or even a PC. Just hook the device up to your TV and you’ll be good to go. Alternatively, you can also opt to upgrade your TV if you feel like it.

On another note, Netflix has promised to prevent users from sharing passwords with friends / family members. This effectively means that people who share accounts will have to eventually pay for their own subscription.

It was mentioned that they want to prevent password sharing without “alienating a certain portion of its user base”. They are still looking into the matter so we’re uncertain as to what sort of prevention measure will be taken, along with when and how. We’ll be reporting on this as soon as information becomes available.

Once again, older Samsung Smart TVs will no longer be compatible with Netflix starting 1st December 2019. You can find out if your TV is still compatible or not by heading to the official Samsung website.

Source: Metro

Pokdepinion: Well, time to upgrade your TV sets. That or just use an external device like a PS4 or a PC for your Netflix needs.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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