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TM CEO Says They Are Ready for 5G Rollout in Malaysia

TM CEO Says They Are Ready for 5G Rollout in Malaysia

by Aiman MaulanaJanuary 14, 2020
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TM CEO Says They Are Ready for 5G Rollout in Malaysia

TM CEO Says They Are Ready for 5G Rollout in Malaysia 27
Datuk Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin, CEO and Managing Director of Telekom Malaysia (TM).

2020 is shaping up to be an interesting year in Malaysia for technological advancements, especially 5G. Telekom Malaysia (TM), who is now taking part in the 5G Demonstration Project (5GDP) spearheaded by MCMC, says that they are ready for the 5G initiative for Malaysia.

According to TM CEO Datuk Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin, they are still bidding for the license and are ready to start working on it as soon as it is obtained. It’s also said that it’s up to MCMC to appoint the consortium for the 5G initiative.

We are still bidding for the frequency; we are still at that stage. If the MCMC gives us [the license] today, we can start working on it today. We are ready. We are preparing a lot of things [for the rollout] and once we get it (the licence), we can get it done.

We are ready to really take the position, it’s just that I think the challenge that the government is facing right now is the question of who will lead the 5G initiative. Once we get that settled, we can go fast. I think especially for us, for TM, we have a good reason to go 5G.

Datuk Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin, TM CEO

Last week, MCMC announced that 5G spectrum bands will start to roll out by Q3 2020. The allocation of 5G spectrums will be done via open tender, which is set to be called by Q2 2020. However, the details and criteria will be revealed at a later time. This open tender will be how the aforementioned consortium will be formed.

Noor Kamarul mentioned that they believe in the technology, and that they know that can use it to help the country, improve the level of security, and the lives of citizens with 5G. He claimed that TM has the highest number of 5G use cases among the telcos in the 5GDP project. They’ve used the project to test new 5G features, explore the technology, and assessed the best way to deploy 5G infrastructure across the country.

Source: TheEdgeMarkets

Pokdepinion: Being ready for 5G implementation is one thing, but being able to implement it well is another. We’ll have to wait and see how this will turn out.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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