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A Chinese Company Jammed A 64 Core AMD EPYC CPU Into This “Laptop”

A Chinese Company Jammed A 64 Core AMD EPYC CPU Into This “Laptop”

by Low Boon ShenDecember 18, 2023
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A Chinese Company Jammed A 64 Core AMD EPYC CPU Into This “Laptop”

A Chinese Company Jammed A 64-Core AMD EPYC CPU Into This "Laptop"

When we think of laptops, we associate lightweight, notebook-looking machines that are easy to carry around. Technically, the term ‘laptop’ just meant something capable of sitting on top of your lap. Evidently, Chinese laptop maker Xinjuneng Technology is using the term very loosely here.

The “laptop” is named 云怪 (lit. Cloud Monster) REV-9, and it packs some truly wild hardware inside this machine. You’d think it’s huge – but it packs the AMD EPYC 7713/9554 64-core processors (with TDP cranked down to 225W), desktop NVIDIA RTX 4080 GPU (with direct drop-in upgrade available when the SUPER variant launches), plus all the liquid cooling hardware inside this 39mm-thick chassis. Considering the hardware, now 39mm isn’t really that huge, is it?

A Chinese Company Jammed A 64 Core AMD EPYC CPU Into This "Laptop" 24

It’s still a 17.3-inch laptop, so it’s not occupying significantly more horizontal space than your typical plus-size gaming laptop does, with the overall dimensions measuring 420 x 325 x 46mm. The display options range from QHD 240Hz to 4K 120Hz panel, with a small 3.5-inch secondary display providing system telemetry. Funnily enough, the laptop maker claims this can fit within a 17-inch laptop bag, but we have doubts given the sheer weight and thickness is going to make that impractical.

Now, desktop-socketed laptops aren’t new – some boutique laptop makers still build these desktop-replacement monsters for the niche market that needs it, but putting something as massive as EPYC is something that we haven’t seen before. The laptop is set to be released through the country’s e-commerce platform, Taobao, starting December 19th – but we haven’t seen any prices yet. However, it’s safe to say it’s anything but cheap, as one of the EPYC chips itself can easily command prices of five figures (in Ringgit).

Source: PCOnline

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About The Author
Low Boon Shen
Is technology powered by a series of tubes?