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RAM prices could drop sharply by 20% in 2019

RAM prices could drop sharply by 20% in 2019

by Vyncent ChanJanuary 4, 2019
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I think as Malaysians, we are pretty used to the saying, what goes up, never comes down. This is especially true when prices are involved, but it seems like along with petrol prices going down, we might also be seeing RAM prices reduce as well. If this prediction plays out, we might be looking at up to 20% reduction in prices.

This prediction comes despite RAM manufacturers cutting supplies to maintain higher RAM prices. Samsung and SK Hynix have both announced plans to slow down their capacity expansion in 2019, while Micron is reportedly doing the same. So with less supply, why would prices go down?

RAM prices could drop sharply by 20% in 2019 28

It could probably mean that the market is already overflowing with RAM for consumers. Even if manufacturers pump out the same amount this year as last year, prices could drop gradually. But of course, even though the manufacturers are cutting back on growth, production capacity is still increasing, but at a slower rate. So RAM supplies are probably still abundant.

RAM prices have been dropping, and it is nice to see that consumers will finally enjoy the lowered costs of getting new RAM. 20% is a pretty huge drop, and will make new builds much more affordable. Is it time to build a new rig with the new AMD Ryzen 9 3800X and a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti?

Pokdepinion: Is it time to upgrade my desktop? I have been staying on DDR3 because RAM prices were just too ridiculous… Hmm..

About The Author
Vyncent Chan
Technology enthusiast, casual gamer, pharmacy graduate. Strongly opposes proprietary standards and always on the look out for incredible bang-for-buck.

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