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This is the story of Phidisk, as told by the founder himself!

This is the story of Phidisk, as told by the founder himself!

by Vyncent ChanAugust 27, 2020
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Phidisk is a pretty active brand in Malaysia, supporting local esports events as well as delivering some pretty interesting storage solutions. The company is barely two years old, which is what makes their achievements all the more amazing. We interviewed the founder of Phidisk Sdn. Bhd., Kendrick, to find out more about why he started the company, and what’s in store for the future.

His motivation to start Phidisk was his realization that NAND storage would be the future, especially in the form of SSDs. Now, Phidisk is one of the active NAND storage companies originating from Penang.

He is very proud of the fact that Phidisk is born and raised in Penang, just like himself. When asked about whether Phidisk manufactures any products here in Malaysia, he mentions that he does aim to use local manufacturing facilities to make Phidisk products. While other countries may offer lower labor costs and promise better profit margins for Phidisk, Kendrick believes in supporting Malaysians, rather than outsourcing it. At the moment, the selection of the components, design and packaging are all locally done, while the manufacturing is performed over in Taiwan.

While Phidisk is already really strong in the Malaysian and South East Asian markets, Phidisk is also getting inquiries from Italy, UK and Japan, and are definitely looking forward to bringing their products to the whole world.

As a closing note, Kendrick has this to say:

Kawan-kawan dari Malaysia, supportlah barang Malaysia!

This is the story of Phidisk, as told by the founder himself! 24

Have you checked out any Phidisk products recently? We have reviewed the Phidisk WrathKeeper SATA SSD, the PhantomKnight SATA SSD and also the WrathKeeper PCIe NVMe SSD. Do take a look and you might just find your next storage upgrade!

About The Author
Vyncent Chan
Technology enthusiast, casual gamer, pharmacy graduate. Strongly opposes proprietary standards and always on the look out for incredible bang-for-buck.

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