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Apple users are still in love with the 3.5mm jack — Lightning to 3.5mm adapter is a top-selling accessory!

Apple users are still in love with the 3.5mm jack — Lightning to 3.5mm adapter is a top-selling accessory!

by Vyncent ChanAugust 26, 2018
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While Apple and many other smartphone manufacturers are intent on losing the 3.5mm jack and resorting to dongles, it seems like most of us aren’t ready to lose it. It in in fact one of the best selling Apple products at Best Buy since the 2nd quarter of 2017.

The 3.5mm jack was removed from the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus which were launched in September 2016. Seems like the owners managed to hold on to the included dongles for quite some time before losing them.

Apple users are still in love with the 3.5mm jack — Lightning to 3.5mm adapter is a top-selling accessory! 29

The dongles are not that expensive, especially not by Apple’s standards, priced at RM46 here, or $9 at Best Buy in the US. Being a top selling accessory proves that most iPhone users are still using the 3.5mm jack. And they still have to foot out the money to replace it when they inevitably lose it.

With Apple rumored to not include the 3.5mm adapter with their upcoming iPhones, Apple might stand to profit even more from their removal of the 3.5mm jack. Do you consider the 3.5mm jack important, or do you live without it now? Let us know!

Source: Ceros

Pokdepinion: I have used smartphones with 3.5mm jacks, those without, I didn’t really need the dongle. Bluetooth all the way, except for when I listen to music in the car because I drive a cheap car without Bluetooth.

About The Author
Vyncent Chan
Technology enthusiast, casual gamer, pharmacy graduate. Strongly opposes proprietary standards and always on the look out for incredible bang-for-buck.

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