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Horizon Zero Dawn 2 Reportedly in the Works

Horizon Zero Dawn 2 Reportedly in the Works

by Aiman MaulanaNovember 7, 2019
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Horizon Zero Dawn 2 Reportedly in the Works

Horizon Zero Dawn 2 Reportedly in the Works 26

Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the most acclaimed titles on the PlayStation 4. Naturally, many have come to expect a sequel to the game but the most we have is the Frozen Wilds DLC at the moment. Now, we believe we can say for sure that Horizon Zero Dawn 2 is in the works.

Guerilla recently posted fifteen new jobs on its website for a variety of different roles that it now has open at the studio. These roles include programming, art, and animation positions, just to name a few and while none of them directly mention Horizon Zero Dawn 2 by name, the descriptions of what some of the jobs would involve clearly point back to the game.

One such position for a Technical Vegetation Artist seems to specifically seems to indicate Horizon Zero Dawn 2.

Within Guerrilla, we have four teams dedicated to creating the stunning environments of Horizon. One team focuses on the creation of lush and stunning vegetation. We build these 3D models from scratch, so our world dressing teams can deliver our immersive world with industry-benchmark graphics.

Job posting

As you can see, this position specifically mentions Horizon, seeming to indicate that Guerrilla is indeed working on something related to the franchise. Considering all of the post-launch content for the original game has now been out, a sequel would be what’s most likely to be in development now.

If you’d like to see more job listings at Guerilla Games, click right here.

We will most likely see Horizon Zero Dawn 2 on the PlayStation 5, which is expected to launch in Holiday 2020. Whether it will be a launch title or not is yet to be seen.

Pokdepinion: Can’t wait to get a glimpse of the game. I really enjoyed the first one so I hope they don’t ruin this one.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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