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NVIDIA Hinting at an Intel Foundry Services Partnership for Next-Gen Graphics Processing

NVIDIA Hinting at an Intel Foundry Services Partnership for Next-Gen Graphics Processing

by Aiman MaulanaDecember 12, 2023
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In recent strategic moves, NVIDIA has been making waves in both economic and product development spheres. The company recently announced plans for an AI data center in Johor, a GPU manufacturing facility in Vietnam, and the latest report suggests a collaboration with Intel to develop their graphics processing chips.

NVIDIA to Partner with Intel Foundry Services?

MSI Vector GP76 Review -

NVIDIA has traditionally relied on TSMC and Samsung for the development of their graphics processing chips. However, emerging reports indicate that the tech giant is now eyeing a partnership with Intel Foundry Services, particularly for the creation of mid-range graphics cards.

This move is seen as a strategic effort by NVIDIA to meet the soaring demand for their graphics cards while ensuring a consistent and reliable supply to markets facing previous shortages.

NVIDIA Hinting at an Intel Foundry Services Partnership for Next-Gen Graphics Processing 21

Colette Kress, NVIDIA’s Chief Financial Officer, addressed these developments while responding to a journalist’s inquiry about the company’s plans to address chip supply challenges. The collaboration with Intel seems poised to strengthen their position in the competitive graphics card market. As the tech industry continues to evolve, partnerships like these signal a collective effort to overcome supply chain hurdles and deliver cutting-edge solutions to consumers.


Pokdepinion: It’s an interesting thing to think about. Think about the possibilities for newer graphics cards moving forward if this deal came to fruition.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)