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ASUS x Noctua GeForce RTX 3070 accidentally revealed by ASUS staff?

ASUS x Noctua GeForce RTX 3070 accidentally revealed by ASUS staff?

by Vyncent ChanOctober 1, 2021
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Are you a fan of Noctua’s signature brown, and wish that you can have it on more components in your PC? While there were many of previous mentions of a graphics card designed by a collaboration between ASUS and Noctua, it seems that an ASUS employee accidentally leaked the ASUS x Noctua card into the ROG Vietnam Facebook group, before quickly removing the post.

Design wise, the RTX3070-O8G-NOCTUA will be a very chonky card, with a 4-slot design, half of which is just the Noctua fans. It looks like Noctua will be using a smaller version of the Noctua NF-A12x25, which isn’t too surprising considering that it is Noctua’s best fan design yet. And yes, you get a lot of that signature brown.

ASUS x Noctua GeForce RTX 3070 accidentally revealed by ASUS staff? 29

The shroud design is quite nice, with the chunky, almost armored-looking design reminding me of the TUF motherboards of yore. The side also touts the ASUS x Noctua branding, just in case the brown isn’t enough to remind you of that. It is quite unfortunate that ASUS and Noctua decided to work on a GeForce RTX 3070 though, as it would have been quite interesting to see a GeForce RTX 3090 or RTX 3080 with a two-fan design.

In any case, it is also going to be pretty expensive, with the post also listing an estimated price of around 26 million VND for the ASUS x Noctua GeForce RTX 3070 card, which is about RM4779. I mean, you weren’t expecting a product born out of a partnership between ASUS and Noctua, to be affordable, right?


Pokdepinion: Imagine this: A TUF (not TUF Gaming) motherboard, a Noctua NH-U12A, a Cooler Master SL600M with a light wood wrap, orange cable sleeves, and this graphics card…

About The Author
Vyncent Chan
Technology enthusiast, casual gamer, pharmacy graduate. Strongly opposes proprietary standards and always on the look out for incredible bang-for-buck.

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